A complete review of Bookkeeper Launch (formerly knows as Bookkeeper BUSINESS Launch, or BBL) by a successful and satisfied student.
This post contains affiliate links to the Bookkeeper Launch Course for your convenience. This means that if you make a purchase using my link, I’ll receive compensation at no additional cost to you.
Updated Bookkeeper Launch Review for February 2022

October 2020 Bookkeeper Launch Review Update
August 2020 Bookkeeper Launch Review Update
June 2019 Bookkeeper Launch Review
Bookkeeper Launch (formerly Bookkeeper Business Launch, or BBL) by Ben Robinson is the tool that I used to start my own virtual bookkeeping business. I discuss my journey in detail in my Bookkeeping Side Hustle Guidebook, if you’d like to know more of how it has all played out for me.
I am a successful and satisfied student. I purchased the course in April 2017. I received my first deposit from my first client in August 2017.
If you are willing to make an investment in your career and design a FLEXIBLE future, then I HIGHLY recommend this course. This is the purpose of this article — to review the Bookkeeper Launch program. Currently (October 2020) the course had the following pricing options with a 30-day money-back guarantee. They also offer a 30% military discount. Email me at bookkeepingsidehustle AT gmail DOT com for more info on that.
1) Full Course with Added Group Coaching:
BL PREMIERE 12 PAY = 12 Payments of $299
2) Full Course Only:
BL PRO FULL PAY = $1,999
BL PRO 12 PAY = 12 Payments of $199
These 3 FREE videos (my affiliate link, FYI) are the best HIGH LEVEL overview of the virtual bookkeeping field that is available online today. Everyone should watch them whether you plan to purchase this course or not.
You can also check out the course syllabus. It is very thorough.
And there is a FAQ Page where the course creator answers many of your question. Worth a read.
Article Table Of Contents
What You Learn In This Course
So, please, please, please don’t try to be a bookkeeper without actually knowing accounting. If you are wanting some sort of mindless work, go do something low-skilled. This is a real, millennia-old professional discipline that it takes a long time to learn.
But have no fear, you will be taught accounting in BL. The course starts off just as the first day of a college or high school accounting course would.
- A = L + OE
- Debits must equal credits.
- How do the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows talk to each other.
(If you don’t know what these things above mean, you are NOT ready to have clients.)
And you will be taught how to continue to learn accounting beyond what is taught in the course.
Now this message is for you CPAs and EAs out there: So you have your degrees and your professional designations. You are way ahead of the beginner. But do you really remember all that your professor taught you? About how to make a payroll journal entry when you are sent a statement from a payroll provider? Do you remember how to make adjustments for closing out the end of the year for a sole proprietor? There are MANY highly educated and highly experienced people in BL. And they love it.
Even the best of us can use an accounting refresher when it comes to supporting small businesses. I have a very fancy MBA, and I needed to remember the basics. And I go back to the course modules whenever I run into an accounting concept struggle.
Bookkeeping Software
As of 2018, the course was taught in QuickBooks Online. In 2017 when I purchased the course, it was taught in Xero. Who knows where Ben Robinson will go next with his instruction platform.
So, as you are following along with the course modules, you are going to naturally learn that software (QBO as of 2018). But you then are encouraged to go obtain your certification in whatever software you want to learn. Currently the QBO and Xero certification processes are FREE.
There is also some moderate excel work as you work through the course. You need to be comfortable with BASIC excel to excel as a bookkeeper.
I show you how to obtain your QBO and Xero Certs even if you don’t take Bookkeeper Launch.
You ever met someone who is great at a skill (like bookkeeping), but is TERRIBLE at business? Well, I’ll be honest with you.
You aren’t going to succeed in business if you are bad at BUSINESS.
But don’t worry. If you think you are bad at business, the BL will whip you in to shape.
This course has just as many resources about the business side of things as there are about the accounting side of things.
He gives you all the info you need to onboard clients, for getting paid in, for utilizing cloud technology, for knowing how to pay your personal business taxes.
There are regular “Legal Lunch” calls with an attorney. Usually every 1-2 months.
He walks you through all the marketing options available and gives us access to different marketing rock stars and their material.
And there are checklists and templates galore. See the screen shots below.

Advanced Content
When you complete 5 required sections you get access to more advanced content. The sections required to get the more advanced content are the following:
- Complete BL course (selected modules)
- BL Certificate of Completion
- Software Certificate
- Launch Your Business
- First Client

Certificate Of Completion (optional)
You have the option of completing the testing required to receive an official Certificate of Completion from the course.
This is not an easy test. It is much harder than the basic QBO and Xero certifications. The test is based on a fake company with transactions that you import and then you are given a timeline of a ton of events and you have to build the books. It is administered by an outside testing agency of some sort. You do have multiple chances to take it.
But let me tell you why I really like this test.
Because there are a lot of people who really struggle with it and then celebrate when they finally come to the course FB group and get to post #BLcert.
Y’all, these BEASTS are the kind of people worth being around. Think of all the “Wimply Wet Noodle” people out there that you know. Maybe that you work with. The ones who are just sitting there and have no verve, no ambition, no goals. Ditch the Wimpy Wet Noodles in your life and come be around people who are doing the difficult/scary/uncomfortable thing. Well, only if you want to be a BEAST, too. We don’t want any Wimpy Wet Noodles in the BL Family. Y’all can stay where you are.
Are your eyes sparkling and your heart racing (even if you are terrified). Then you have a BEAST inside of you. Make a move.

My Personal Favorite Parts Of Bookeeper Launch
Updates For Life
Once you are in the course, you are IN. You receive updates for life.
Some updates are MAJOR, like when the instructor released BL 3.0 about 15 months after I bought BL 2.0. Version 3.0 had major changes. The instruction software switched from Xero to QBO and there was an optional Certificate of Completion. Major stuff. See the pictures below. Version 2.0 looks super lame compared to 3.0, but it was able to boost me to success. And 3.0 is even better.

Some updates are MINOR, like little practice problems to go with the modules. Or a new module in our education portal (see quote below). Ben’s main goal is his student’s success.

I’m a people person. When I became a stay-at-home-mom one of the things that I missed most was the intellectual stimulation of having smart co-workers. And I had VERY smart co-workers.
Now being a part of BL isn’t exactly the same as being able to pop on over to someone’s office and discuss your business project with them. But being a part of BL gives you an authentic community of sharp and and brave people who are doing something that so very few people do. Being an entrepreneur is no-joking hard and uncomfortable and intimidating and lonely. But, for me, the BL family helps scratch that itch of having co-workers.
Sometimes you just need some encouragement. This group is the nicest, most helpful group. Whenever you are down, you can post about your struggles and get encouragement. And it is encouragement from people who have been and are IN YOUR EXACT SHOES.
Sometimes your loving (and hot, in my case!) husband listens to you talk about your business in the evening over dinner, and doesn’t act nearly excited enough about your accomplishment for the day. No matter how you explain it, sometimes the people in your personal life just don’t get as pumped as they should be when you finally figured out how to adjust that opening balance on the Balance Sheet. Well fret not. Your BL Family will be there to give you all the appropriate levels of excitement.
And wait until you post your #1st Client post in the BL Family FaceBook group. All the feels from everybody.
Diverse Student Population
The Bookkeeper Launch family is as diverse as the day is long.
We’ve got tech people.
We’ve got military people.
We’ve got women and men who have been through some rough times for whom BL is their new lease on life.
We’ve got college students who are nerding out in the accounting classes and prepping to launch their business after graduation.
We’ve got former hair dressers.
We’ve got people who come from a long accounting background who can answer all the technical and specific questions from the new folks.
We’ve got Americans, Brits, Aussies, Canadians, Philippinos. I can’t name them all. I have heard there are at least 15 countries represented.
How To Build A Website Video
So, this was one of my personal favorite parts of the course. I’m a techno-phobe by nature. I eventually got to the point where I wanted to have a business website, but felt really overwhelmed by doing it myself.
Well, there is a literal step-by-step video where the BL creator Ben Robinson teaches us the click-by-click of how to get a very basic “business card” type of website built on your own. I was able to do mine in a Saturday and felt really good about it.
I tell you this to let you know that the course is SO MUCH MORE than accounting.
BL Niche Sub-Groups
So, the niche sub-groups are the little golden nuggets in the GOLD MINE that is the larger private BL Family FaceBook group. Allow me to list just the ones that come to my head. I am certain there are more. I’m not in all of these, but they are full of great people.
- Real Estate
- Non-profit
- Construction
- E-Commerce
- Cannabis (called Herbs in the ‘Burbs 🙂 )
- Canadians
- BNI Networking Group
- RV (as in people who live in RVs or are nomads and travel)
And if you don’t find the niche you need, then you can create one and invite others.
My Friend Chris
My Friend Chris –
So this is going to embarrass him a little because he is a modest guy, but because of our tight-knit community, you can reach out to people in your local area if you want. There is potential to make in-person connections with other BL students. Lots of regions have ad hoc happy hour get togethers.
Well, I have had the great blessing of making a friends with a local BLer, and it is just so great. Chris is killing it in his business! He is accomplishing grand dreams (30+ clients in his first year and all while still working FULL TIME for the Navy before his retirement), so I have the financial benefit of being one of his sub-contractors. With that many clients, the guy needs help!
But more than just sub-contracting for him, he is sort of a mentor/sounding board/business associate all in one. I’m no dummy myself, so I think he benefits from our discussions, too. He must because he calls and asks my opinion on things.
So he is one of my favorite parts of BL, and I don’t think our professional friendship is unique to just us. There are lots of BL Buddies.
What Happens Right After I Purchase Bookkeeper Launch?
Access To The BL Family Facebook Group
When you sign up for the course, one of your first tasks is to introduce yourself with #ImNewHere in the BL Family Facebook Group.
This BL Family FaceBook group is one of the most valuable parts of the course. It might even be more valuable than the course material. There was a time when I only used Facebook for this private group.
You have sharp business minds in the group. You have smart accounting people in the group. You have experts in certain industries.
I can’t overstate the value of this part of the BL course purchase.
90-Day Success Plan
One of the first things I’d recommend inside your student learning portal is to download and print the 90-Day Success Plan so you don’t open the education portal and get overwhelmed.
This is another one of the resources that has been added since I purchased BL. Go Ahead. Take a peek. This does not have to be followed exactly by any means. Most people probably tailor it a bit to their own needs and schedule and learning style. But, it feels pretty good to check things off a list, eh?
And sometimes when you get paralysis and scared because you are embarking on this big scary thing, you can fall back on this list and just do one next thing.
BL Resources For Success
Support Hours
The course maintains email support hours from 9:00 -4:00 EST Monday through Friday. The average turn around time for reply is 72 minutes. Not too shabby for support service. This is the first line of support for ANY question. You can ask accounting questions. You can ask QuickBooks questions. You can ask marketing questions. You can ask questions about the course. There is a team of people that reply, so your question gets routed to the person who is able to answer your question.
And you know what is neat. As you take the time to WRITE OUT your issue, many times you figure it out yourself! Learning new things is neat like that.
Live Q&A Wednesday Call
EVERY WEEK there is the weekly Wednesday Q&A webinar from 2:00-3:00 EST. This is yet another way to get help with an issue that you are struggling with. The neat thing about these calls is that they are all recorded and posted to our education portal. So you can treat these things like podcast. I have only ever made 2 or 3 of these in real time, but I’ve listened to so many.
Personally, I treat these like material that I halfway listen to. This is something that would be playing in the background when I’m cooking dinner. Or playing board games with my kids (guilty! I play A LOT of “UNO” and “Guess Who“, people). If I pick up information useful to my business, that is great, but I don’t feel the need to give them my full attention like I do the course module.
90-Day Success Plan
So, You can check out this high level 90-Day Success Plan and see the names of the major course modules.
I find that many people have questions like “How long does it take to get through the course?” Or “How long until you are ready to have clients?” I know you’ll hate this answer, but “IT DEPENDS”.
It depends on your educational and professional experience. Do you have a solid foundation in accounting? Then those parts will be easier for you? Are you really good in QuickBooks because you have just had to learn it for your job as a jack-of-all-trades admin person in your office? Then you have an advantage there. Do you already have a strong network of small business connections? Then you might only need to focus on studying and not need to worry about all the marketing material.
It also depends on how much time you have. This was my question when I bought the course. I was told that to really notice some success I would probably need at least 10 hours a week to get through the course in a reasonable amount of time. This isn’t a hard rule, but a lot of these skills and the knowledge are perishable if you don’t use them. That is the real reason they suggest having a 90 day block of time to really put in some respectable hours is so that you don’t forget what you’ve learned. Then you hopefully will be able to get that first client. Once you work on a real set of books, the learning gets even more solidified.
My own story is that I tried to work from 5:00am-7:00am before my kids got up when I went through the course the first time. That worked well for me and was all that I could reliably commit to. Note, I have an MBA, though I had not worked for 6 years when I purchased the course. I had 2 accounting classes in undergrad and 2 accounting classes in grad school.
The 90-Day Plan is a good template to deviate from.
Access To Lots Of Add-Ons
Early Access To All New Courses
Since I became a student in May 2017, the company has created the following products
- TaxBiz Launch
- The Bookkeepers.Com Store
- Money Guides
- Bookkeeper Elite
- Outstanding People and Processes
- Bookkeeper Lab
- Digital Bookkeeper Association
- National Conference called BKE
I have not purchased any of the additional products, but that is because I’m happy with my current client load. This is most definitely a side-hustle for me in the context of my family right now. But if you want to grow a full time business or a large firm, you are almost certainly going to need some of these courses. If you just accept that fact that you’ll need to make more education investments, then it is pretty neat that you have access to all new course at the Beta Tester prices. And with Ben Robinson, once you are a student of one of his course, you’re in it for life!
Check Out Some Of These Testimonials From Bookkeeper Launch Students

Do you have questions about the course? Comment below.