Comparison of bookkeeping courses and bookkeeping training options.
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. This means that if you make a purchase using our link, we’ll receive compensation at no additional cost to you.
I don’t envy you. When I decided to invest in an education program so I could RUN (not walk or stumble or waste my very little precious time) my red headed self into starting a virtual bookkeeping career, there was only one option for training.
But now days, not only are you eventually facing a long journey of actually doing everything you need to do to become a virtual bookkeeper (whether as an entrepreneur or by getting job working for a bookkeeping firm), you have already spent hours and hours trying to figure out the difference between different training options. Yeesh! Who are all these people are are they legitimate????
You don’t want to waste your money. I don’t want you to waste you money. I want us all to MAKE money.
You don’t want to waste your time. I don’t want you to waste your time. Ain’t nobody got time for THAT!
To that end, I have put together a chart to compare the course options that are available. Keep reading.
How can I say this delicately. This chart below is FREE. It is crazy valuable. If you care to say thanks, you can visit my Support Page.
My favorite ways (because they are COMPLETELY free to you) is to open a business bank account with my Azlo Bank Link and to get an insurance QUOTE (not even purchase) from Hiscox insurance.
My Process For Creating The Chart
I’ve asked the individual course creators to complete a Google Form to complete this chart. So the information in this chart is from the actual creator/instructor.
Some of these I’ve personally interviewed for the Bookkeeping Side Hustle Community. You’ll see links to the interview and my thorough review in the chart if I have done one.
Some of these courses I have chosen to affiliate with. If you want to help “keep the lights on” for this website and our awesome Bookkeeping Side Hustle Facebook Group and you have decided ON YOUR OWN (i.e. not from any prodding from ME or ANYONE else with a strong sales arm), then using my affiliate links helps support me.
I’m a bit unclear on how the different affiliate programs work on each of these different portal sites. Affiliate programs are full of yucky terms like “IP address” and “cookie window” and “last click vs first click”. Yes y’all, the internet has a secret underbelly that I had no idea about before creating this blog.
Sometimes (many times?), in your research of courses, you will have clicked on other affiliate links without even knowing. Those are the SEO and Pinterest ninjas that know how to get clicks. I am not one of those people. I’m just a bookkeeper who has accidentally found myself running the most awesome accounting/bookkeeping Facebook group on the internet.
If you want to ENSURE that I receive credit for your purchase, you need to email the course creator before you purchase and confirm that you are tied to my affiliate link.
Alternatively, you can just click on the affiliate link prior to purchase. That might work.
I will not affiliate with a course unless I’ve had time to research the program and interview the course creator.
There are a FEW courses I’m listing here because their reputation has stood out to me and I know they have helped people or their free material has helped me along my journey. I might choose to affiliate with them in the future. Shoot, they might not even choose to affiliate with me. It is not a requirement to be an affiliate to be on this list (that would be sketchy on my part, right, if I only included courses that I had strong-armed into affiliating with me).
It is my list so I can do what I want. But I can assure you that I’ve thought very hard about creating this list so that is helpful to the Bookkeeping Side Hustle Community, fair to course creators, and lastly, fair to me by enabling me to get some compensation occasionally.
Bookkeeping Comparison Chart
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. THE CHART! (Did you scroll all the way down and not read all of my rambling above….tsk tsk tsk).
So, some people have advised that I need to “build my email list”. As gross as that sounds to me, I’ll do it because I do think it will be valuable TO ME (which I need to do more of). I promise to be very cautious about ensuring any emails that I send you in the future are very valuable. Please unsubscribe at any time.
Check your Spam or Promotions tab if you don’t receive an email immediately. And reach for the discount code for any course that has a discount listed.
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