Kninja90 Bookkeeper Training Course Review

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This interview with Juliet Aurora is jam packed with wisdom.
It is mostly about her Kninja90 Training Program. But it is also about HER and her journey as one of the leaders in the bookkeeping industry.
If you plan to purchase this course, please reach out to bookkeepingsidehustle AT gmail DOT com for a discount code for the Kninja90 Training course for 25% off.
Who should listen:
1) If you are someone who knows that you want to grow BEYOND the Solo-preneur method of being a bookkeeping side hustler, then this interview and her course is for you because these are the problems you are going to need to solve as you bring on staff.
2) If your dreams are more aligned with the smaller, solo-preneur life, then you need to listen to Juliet because she WAS you. And for many years. I think of her as the OG (that’s original gangsta’ for those of you who weren’t around in the 90s) Bookkeeping Side Hustler. She started her own bookkeeping side hustle in 2000 from her kitchen table so she could see more of her daughter and because she received a 6 month severance from her corporate job. And 17 years later she won Intuit’s TOP award GLOBAL Firm Of The Future.
And EVERYONE needs to get a copy of her book, The Kninja Way. Why?
- Because SMART PEOPLE READ BIOGRAPHIES! Feel free to refrain from reading biographies if you don’t want to be a smart person. Not a lot of biographies about accounting firm owners exist people. So get this one.
- Because all proceeds go to support the Kninja Foundation which will help provide safe shelter for women and children.
- Correction, everyone needs to get TWO copies of the book. Why? Because you want to GIVE. You want to invest in that bright-eyed, smart, hustling person in your life so you will buy two and give one as a gift. Think back to that person in your life who poured a little of themselves into you? Who will you do that for today?
Kninja90 Training Program
- Currently this course is just for people in Canada (she explains some unique Canadian government funding programs for employee training). If you want this course in another country, YOU NEED TO HOUND HER ABOUT IT AND GET 3 COLLEAGUES TO DO THE SAME. Don’t be annoying. Be cool and professional. But get into her orbit and help her make it happen.
- This course is to train employees. If you take an evening to read her biography, The Kninja Way, you are going to squirm with discomfort as you feel some of the pain she and her company went through. It will jump off the page. It is not something you are going to want to experience. SHE doesn’t want you to experience it. Thus, she created Kninja90.
- Oh my goodness the free resources. Just spending a few weeks going through all her free material looks super valuable. And the generous info provided in her free Facebook community. What are you waiting for? No excuse not to learn from an expert even if you are just starting out and are a long way away from hiring employees.
- I’ll put up an image of the “roadmap” of the Kninja course. It really helps explain things.

Transcript Coming Soon